Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.  (Mal. 3:10–12) 

Soda Springs Baptist Church encourages giving as an act of worship.  Tithing gives each of us the wonderful opportunity to partner with God in his work. Your money will help minister God’s will in our community.

We offer several methods for your monetary gifts, including an online method.

  • Giving in person: You can give your offering in the form of cash or check anytime you are in our services.  Please make checks out to Soda Springs Baptist Church.
  • Online Bill Pay: This is a feature you can set up with your bank. A check can be mailed to the church from your financial institution. It is also possible to setup recurring transactions that occur on a regular basis. This is a great way to give consistently and avoid the possibility of forgetting your gift. Please contact your bank to see if this option is available for you and to find out how to set this up. (Cost – Free, generally there is no cost to you or the church)
  • PayPal: This is a secure, online donation process that uses your debit, credit card, or checking account. A PayPal account is not required (unless you would like to pay with your checking account). Enter the amount to be donated and click on the “Give Online – PayPal” button below. You will then be taken to PayPal’s secure website to complete the process. (There is a small fee if you are using a credit/debit card that we hope you will add to your amount so that we receive the full amount you have intended for the church, Donation + 2.2% + $.30.) 

Click here to donate your offering online using PayPal.